Friday, September 28, 2012

Mitt Romney is Totally Out-Of-Touch With Real Americans In Need

Roberta M. Helming: Romney Would Be An Out-Of-Touch President

We, who are not of his "circle" will be the "dogs" on his roof during his presidency, as with his poor dog Seamus.

How can we elect someone who bullied his fellow school mates? How can be excuse the fact that he cut off a schoomates hair - a major bullying act?

How can we accept the fact that he didn't invite Veterans - those who fought for his freedom and ours - on to his Republican National Convention Stage?

Do we honestly believe that his weathly lifestyle won't be sustained in the White House?

In such an important election, we must face that most people are struggling and Romney is not. Romney is so far out of touch with the people of American and the meager means they must live with, he won't be able to see beyond his privileged status and know what the anwers for us are. Because if we think about it, don't we usually surround ourselves with those who are like us and of life mind. His mind is not like the majority (average) Americans.

Who will live in Romney's numerous mansions while he is in the White House?

Why was he allowed to be excused from the draft so many times?

Why does his church accept his tithings when it is reported he earned his money in ways of which they didn't approve? I guess it says alot about money versus morality.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Roberta M. Helming: Romney, Veterans and the "Little" Guy

Roberta M. Helming: Please remember all the Veterans who made sacrifices - some the ultimate sacrifce, so that Romney could have multiple deferments during the Vietnam War and subsequently live the American dream (that eludes many) by owning many properties and possessing great wealth - God Bless America, for I know the true meaning of wealth, as many Veterans do I'm sure. I'm talking about wealth of a non-material nature that is built on a strong foundation from within one's mind and heart. Many of us know how to live without a lot - Romney's inner foundation depends upon money and material possessions, which are very hollow. His fall would result in difficulty having to learn to live without his false sense of happiness wrapped up in the financial prosperity that is dear to his heart and clearly defines him.
Romney is not for the "little" guy, because he can't relate to them. He needs to live (for a minimum of a week) the life of those of us who struggle, so that if elected president, he knows our pain, struggles and suffering - as every day citizens.
And I'm not referring to people who just don't try to help themselves, but rather people who worked a career during a time when inflation was not so high. In this country, we have retirees who can't pay their bills and buy their medicine - it's a choice at best, because their retirement income was never enough and they haven't received a raise in a decade in some cases.
Does Romney care about that? Does he care to know about that?

Roberta M. Helming: Romney and the "Little" Guy/ Veterans

Roberta M. Helming: Please remember all the Veterans who made sacrifices - some the ultimate sacrifce, so that Romney could have multiple deferments during the Vietnam War and subsequently live the American dream (that eludes many) by owning many properties and possessing great wealth - God Bless America, for I know the true meaning of wealth, as many Veterans do I'm sure. I'm talking about wealth of a non-material nature that is built on a strong foundation from within one's mind and heart. Many of us know how to live without a lot - Romney's inner foundation depends upon money and material possessions, which are very hollow. His fall would result in difficulty having to learn to live without his false sense of happiness wrapped up in the financial prosperity that is dear to his heart and clearly defines him.
Romney is not for the "little" guy, because he can't relate to them. He needs to live (for a minimum of a week) the life of those of us who struggle, so that if elected president, he knows our pain, struggles and suffering - as every day citizens.
And I'm not referring to people who just don't try to help themselves, but rather people who worked a career during a time when inflation was not so high. In this country, we have retirees who can't pay their bills and buy their medicine - it's a choice at best, because their retirement income was never enough and they haven't received a raise in a decade in some cases.
Does Romney care about that? Does he care to know about that?

Monday, September 3, 2012


Roberta M. Helming - Romney and 2012 Election

Roberta M. Helming: Romney placed Seasmus (his dog on the Roof of his Car,) Romney had multiple deferments from Vietnam, Romney didn't mention the War at the Republican National Convention, Romney presented Olympic Athletes as Average America People at the Repulican National Convention - Why Not Some Senior Citizens or Veterans?, Romney Has Multiple Houses, Romney gave $40 Thousand Dollars To His Church Last Year and Yet He Had Dealings With Companies His Church Didn't Approve of - I Guess They Weren't "Ungodly" companies - If He Can't Obey The "Godly" doctrine of His Church, How Can We Know He Will Do The Right Thing as President? After all Both His Faith and The American People Are Important to Him?
Will, We Who Are Among The Suffering American People Be Riding On the Roof of Romney's "Presidency/Car" (words that are interchangeable) as his poor dog Seamus had to do?
Please think about it.

Things to Remember about Mitt Romney

Roberta M. Helming: Mitt Romney 2012 Presidental Election

Roberta M. Helming: Mitt Romney 2012 Presidental Election

With regard to Jerry Springer and those in need, living in trailer parks, at least Jerry Springer attempts to help these people and is sensitive to their needs. He even offers counseling if needed.

Further, he talks to them and helps thems understand their issues by asking them what might be wrong with their situation.

I am quite certain that Mitt Romney is shaking the hands of people in trailer parks now and will never speak to them again or follow up with them in any manner.

He doesn't even understand their issues and since he brought US Olympic Athletes to the Republican Convention and not one from a struggling population to the Convention, he gives a very negative impression to those who are suffering that he doesn't care about them.

Roberta M. Helming - 2012 Presidential Election

Roberta M. Helming: The 2012 Presidential Election:

Roberta M. Helming: Please know that if Mitt Romney is elected President and you have any problems thereafter in your trailer park, it won't be Mitt Romney who is going to help you - it will still be Jerry Springer - from a faithful watcher of Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!