Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Roberta M. Helming

1:35 PM - Public

Romney has lost his heart and he doesn't care to find it.

Anyone who truly feels that Romney cares about Americans is seriously misled. Yes, he smiles now with his rolled up sleeves. Those sleeves willNOT be rolled up if elected. They'll be no tour bus compassion.

I didn't see anyone in need - the elderly, disabled, the miliary, the poor - anyone whom he could really help during his presidenial Republic National Convention.

I've read he's kissed up to the wealthy to obtain more campaign money. Why doesn't he sell some of his six houses.

And are we supposed to believe that these wealthy donors aren't going to expect things in return? Money that could help the poor and needy will in fact go to causes of these wealthy donors.

He's not for the average American. He's not for the poor, handicapped, military and those who are trying to get by on social security and maybe a small pension - people who did the right thing and never imagined themselves in such dire straights.

Don't make these people suffer any more. Don't cast your all important vote for Romney.

Think about you, your family, your neighbor. Romney doesn't know or care that you exist. He never will. A vote for Romney is a vote against you, your loved ones and friends.

Really think about that one vote you can cast and think about yourself, your needs . . . Romney doesn't care.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Mitt Romney is Totally Out-Of-Touch With Real Americans In Need

Roberta M. Helming: Romney Would Be An Out-Of-Touch President

We, who are not of his "circle" will be the "dogs" on his roof during his presidency, as with his poor dog Seamus.

How can we elect someone who bullied his fellow school mates? How can be excuse the fact that he cut off a schoomates hair - a major bullying act?

How can we accept the fact that he didn't invite Veterans - those who fought for his freedom and ours - on to his Republican National Convention Stage?

Do we honestly believe that his weathly lifestyle won't be sustained in the White House?

In such an important election, we must face that most people are struggling and Romney is not. Romney is so far out of touch with the people of American and the meager means they must live with, he won't be able to see beyond his privileged status and know what the anwers for us are. Because if we think about it, don't we usually surround ourselves with those who are like us and of life mind. His mind is not like the majority (average) Americans.

Who will live in Romney's numerous mansions while he is in the White House?

Why was he allowed to be excused from the draft so many times?

Why does his church accept his tithings when it is reported he earned his money in ways of which they didn't approve? I guess it says alot about money versus morality.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Roberta M. Helming: Romney, Veterans and the "Little" Guy

Roberta M. Helming: Please remember all the Veterans who made sacrifices - some the ultimate sacrifce, so that Romney could have multiple deferments during the Vietnam War and subsequently live the American dream (that eludes many) by owning many properties and possessing great wealth - God Bless America, for I know the true meaning of wealth, as many Veterans do I'm sure. I'm talking about wealth of a non-material nature that is built on a strong foundation from within one's mind and heart. Many of us know how to live without a lot - Romney's inner foundation depends upon money and material possessions, which are very hollow. His fall would result in difficulty having to learn to live without his false sense of happiness wrapped up in the financial prosperity that is dear to his heart and clearly defines him.
Romney is not for the "little" guy, because he can't relate to them. He needs to live (for a minimum of a week) the life of those of us who struggle, so that if elected president, he knows our pain, struggles and suffering - as every day citizens.
And I'm not referring to people who just don't try to help themselves, but rather people who worked a career during a time when inflation was not so high. In this country, we have retirees who can't pay their bills and buy their medicine - it's a choice at best, because their retirement income was never enough and they haven't received a raise in a decade in some cases.
Does Romney care about that? Does he care to know about that?

Roberta M. Helming: Romney and the "Little" Guy/ Veterans

Roberta M. Helming: Please remember all the Veterans who made sacrifices - some the ultimate sacrifce, so that Romney could have multiple deferments during the Vietnam War and subsequently live the American dream (that eludes many) by owning many properties and possessing great wealth - God Bless America, for I know the true meaning of wealth, as many Veterans do I'm sure. I'm talking about wealth of a non-material nature that is built on a strong foundation from within one's mind and heart. Many of us know how to live without a lot - Romney's inner foundation depends upon money and material possessions, which are very hollow. His fall would result in difficulty having to learn to live without his false sense of happiness wrapped up in the financial prosperity that is dear to his heart and clearly defines him.
Romney is not for the "little" guy, because he can't relate to them. He needs to live (for a minimum of a week) the life of those of us who struggle, so that if elected president, he knows our pain, struggles and suffering - as every day citizens.
And I'm not referring to people who just don't try to help themselves, but rather people who worked a career during a time when inflation was not so high. In this country, we have retirees who can't pay their bills and buy their medicine - it's a choice at best, because their retirement income was never enough and they haven't received a raise in a decade in some cases.
Does Romney care about that? Does he care to know about that?

Monday, September 3, 2012


Roberta M. Helming - Romney and 2012 Election

Roberta M. Helming: Romney placed Seasmus (his dog on the Roof of his Car,) Romney had multiple deferments from Vietnam, Romney didn't mention the War at the Republican National Convention, Romney presented Olympic Athletes as Average America People at the Repulican National Convention - Why Not Some Senior Citizens or Veterans?, Romney Has Multiple Houses, Romney gave $40 Thousand Dollars To His Church Last Year and Yet He Had Dealings With Companies His Church Didn't Approve of - I Guess They Weren't "Ungodly" companies - If He Can't Obey The "Godly" doctrine of His Church, How Can We Know He Will Do The Right Thing as President? After all Both His Faith and The American People Are Important to Him?
Will, We Who Are Among The Suffering American People Be Riding On the Roof of Romney's "Presidency/Car" (words that are interchangeable) as his poor dog Seamus had to do?
Please think about it.

Things to Remember about Mitt Romney

Roberta M. Helming: Mitt Romney 2012 Presidental Election

Roberta M. Helming: Mitt Romney 2012 Presidental Election

With regard to Jerry Springer and those in need, living in trailer parks, at least Jerry Springer attempts to help these people and is sensitive to their needs. He even offers counseling if needed.

Further, he talks to them and helps thems understand their issues by asking them what might be wrong with their situation.

I am quite certain that Mitt Romney is shaking the hands of people in trailer parks now and will never speak to them again or follow up with them in any manner.

He doesn't even understand their issues and since he brought US Olympic Athletes to the Republican Convention and not one from a struggling population to the Convention, he gives a very negative impression to those who are suffering that he doesn't care about them.

Roberta M. Helming - 2012 Presidential Election

Roberta M. Helming: The 2012 Presidential Election:

Roberta M. Helming: Please know that if Mitt Romney is elected President and you have any problems thereafter in your trailer park, it won't be Mitt Romney who is going to help you - it will still be Jerry Springer - from a faithful watcher of Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Was Mary a Virgin?

Was Mary really a virgin? I don't believe in parables. I need concrete evidence that Mary was in fact a virgin. Do we have any gynecological proof?

If someone was pregnant today and said they were a virgin, we say: "yeah right.".

The story of Jesus beging born to Mary a virgin is interesting to ponder, but in the end it is a difficult tale to reconcile.

It's loaded with "magic" amd is something I would like to receive a concrete answer filled with believable proof.

Don't pray for me - my God takes care of me with love and without judgment. And in order to sit in judgment you would have to know my heart and my mind and that is not possible.

Also, no one likes to be preached at and told this is the way without proof. Speaking to people from your own perspective, and not talking forcefully because you know the truth, will yield better results . . . as will speaking humbly and not as though you have the only correct answers - which if not followed will result in going to hell.

You have to speak to people with patients, allowing them to take in what is being said. All in someone's face will cause them to not listen and rebel.

Roberta M. Helming

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Amazing Writing - Professional Setup of Text to Fit Your Needs

Freelance Writer
An established author and columnist is available to meet your writing needs – letters, flyers, inspirational sayings, newsletters, business cards, letterheads, invitations – birthdays, weddings or anniversaries. I’ll write sayings with or without photos suitable for matting and/or framed gifts. Tell me your needs, I’ll write and design. Prices are reasonable. Call Roberta M. Helming at Elegant Impressions – 860-908-9053.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Virgin Mary - Really???

I don't believe in miracles or fables. Therefore, I need concrete proof that Mary, the mother of Jesus was a virgin. Does anyone have proof of this as I am not going to "just believe?"

In addition I have not yet received any concrete information to my question as to how the earth could have been populated from Adam, Eve and Cain? There appears to be only one branch on this "storied" tree (incest.) There was no one else on earth other than these three immediate family members. It is important to speak to just the period of time of the Garden of Eden. Anything that happened later is not about this time frame.

Remember in answering my questions, it is not nice to preach and call me a sinner (which is judgmental as no one knows my relationship with God.) The questions need to be answered with concrete proof and should be directed at the actual questions being asked and not using scriptures that have no relevance.

Roberta M. Helming

Amazing Writing from an Established Author and Columnist

An established author and columnist is available to meet your writing needs – letters, flyers, inspirational sayings, newsletters, business cards, letterheads, invitations – birthdays, weddings or anniversaries. I’ll write sayings with or without photos suitable for matting and/or framed gifts. Tell me your needs, I’ll write and design. Prices are reasonable. Call Roberta M. Helming at Elegant Impressions – 860-908-9053.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Roberta M. Helming - Christian Creation Story Question for All

So anyway, translate Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel to today's time - June 17, 2012.
If Adam and Eve brought Cain and Abel into the world - and Abel died, leaving only Adam, Eve and Cain (now remember we're pretending the Garden of Eden is now, in the present, today and no other people but these three exists.)
How could any other procreation beyond Adam and Eve happen without incest? Who was there for Cain to procreate with? All I want to know is who Cain procreated with when, other than him, there were only his parents.
I'm being asked to think that procreation didn't happen as a result of incest, but not being told what other alternative there was since there was no other woman but Eve on the earth.
Was it a magical thing like the virgin birth?
With regard to insulting the intelligence of someone you don't know who is asking these questions, these are not the kinds of things that a person with limited mental capacity could think of. Hence, it is better to answer the question than to use insults. Are insults towards a person trying to resolve one's issues of faith Christian like? Would your answers to someone struggling with issues of the Christian faith be pleasing to God?
One's lack of understanding regarding an apparent flaw in the Bible about the creation story doesn't equate to making derrogatory comments and name calling. All is does is places Christianity in a very negative light. And if I know Christians are going to call me names because I don't feel something that is over-the-top complex makes sense, how is that going to bring me closer to God.
Why not ask your pastor my creation story question and post an anwer that seems to make sense?
I will not judge those who resort to name calling in the name of God for only they and God know their heart.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Roberta M. Helming: True Happiness Isn't Found in Today's Techno-Gagets

Having none of the modern conveniences of today, the lives of early Homo Sapiens was difficult, but so are our lives – despite all the modern conveniences. It seems as though the early Homo sapiens had an overall better life, regardless of the fact that their very existence required them to forge for food and firewood, exercise and socialize.

Now let’s fast forward to the 21st century where we find the unquenchable need in some individuals for every modern convenience of our time – something that is slowly killing us. Among us has evolved individuals wanting (in an almost instinctual manner) the latest and greatest “toys” available – even “camping” outside of Best Buy in order to be among the first to get the latest and greatest devices. This instinct actually runs counter to the species from which we evolved.

Two hundred thousand years ago, Homo sapiens didn’t seek out material possessions for themselves only. They were actually part of a hunter and gather society, sharing their responsibilities and their findings, basic staples – food and firewood, with others.

Instinctually, they knew that in order to survive, they had to work in bands (small groups) and they forged for food. And special attention was given to helping expectant mothers or mothers who had just given birth to ensure the newborn survived and could benefit the band in the future. (No “Single Welfare Moms” 200,000 years ago.)

They were very socially, responsible, interacting not by cell phones and Facebook, but rather one-on-one, up close and personal. This brought them a more peaceful lifestyle, living true to the manner in which their bodies and minds had evolved. Now we, including our minds, evolved from this and our minds are still geared toward hunting and gathering and social interaction.

Unfortunately, in our society, we have less and less human interaction. As an example, just last week, while attempting to contact a human being via a telephone, regarding an on-line question, I was asked by an answering machine to leave my e-mail address – not a phone number. Is this the “wave” of the future?
The early Homo sapien hunters and gatherers’ life kept them healthy and at a good weight. For in order for them to eat they had to work, be active. The nature of their survival required them to exercise. Our problem today – one doesn’t even have to leave the car to go into Burger King, rather one can drive up and order the double Whopper with supersized fries and a milk shake.

Like the early Homo sapiens, our bodies are meant to exercise and socialize. And without both, the resultant sedentary lifestyle, primarily of hiding behind electronic devices, has brought to our society an alarming amount of obesity and resultant illnesses.

We truly could learn a lot from the early Homo sapiens. They had to be resourceful, creative, and adaptive. They had to possess the inner desire to work to take care of themselves during the daytime hours. And at the end of the day, they built their fires and interacted face-to-face with those in their group.

Bringing this all around to today, Facebook is not to be excluded from people’s lives, but it needs to be kept in perspective and coupled with some quality social activities. And since we also need exercise, it could be fun to organize a group of Facebook or other friends into an introductory exercise program, i.e., walking through the mall or parking the car a little farther from the store.

It is key to realize that purchasing the latest gadget isn’t going to make our lives easier and make us happier. It is more likely going to add complexity, especially if we buy it on credit and have to determine how to pay for it – perhaps requiring a second job.

A lifestyle change whereby we are not slaves to our possessions is key, for it frees up our day to sit on the lawn and read a book or go to the beach. The less possessions we are slaves to, requiring less work, the more time we have to engage in a pleasurable activity.

It is worth noting that in seeking happiness in possessions, true happiness will never be found. The permanent address for happiness is in our minds, hearts and souls. In not finding it there, one must evaluate and come to understand what must be done in order to reach those fountains of happiness that are ours to claim from within.

We only have one life, remove the “electronic” toxicity and realize no matter one’s age, a brief moment of happiness is better than decades of misery.

© Roberta M. Helming

Saturday, June 9, 2012

The too often used term "Single Mom" is not a badge of courage across the board. Of course women who have been in a committed relationship or marriage where it doesn't work out and they find themselves "single" and "moms" should wear their title with pride and courage. For they at least attempted to bring their children into the world within a committed relationship.

Those women however, who have sex with someone they barely know without using protection and conceive a child are not doing their civic duty. For even before the baby is born, welfare and all of its co-existing benefits kicks in, beginning with prenatal care and WIC. And when the baby is born "Welfare Moms" are entitled to government subsidised money, subsidized rent, SNAP, free cell phones, medicaid - just to name some of the many government programs available. All of this, because they took no care while engaging in sexual activity - usually with a man who will be unable to pay child support.

Instead of spending all this money on women who seem to act more instinctually than rationally, why don't we send these individuals back home to their families to live a multigenerational life, as we used to do. Perhaps the realities of having to live with one's parents again would cause one to pause before quickly having another child with someone they barely know.

For it would be wiser to spend this money on the needs of those who bravely served our country. They seem to have to wait for their care, while "Welfare Moms," without fail, receive their money every month. And while it may be thought that having a baby is one's private right, it becomes not so when one can't afford to rear the child from their own funds. If it takes the welfare system to help raise a child, it is the tax payers who are actually raising said child.

Many children suffer and live in poverty because their mother decided to have a night of unprotected fun. Is it fair to that child? Hence, if you can't afford to raise a child on your own, cross your legs until you can. It will be better for you and your child.

There are so many people playing on society's sympathy with the famous line: "But I'm a Single Mom." Yes, and that was your choice for who thinks a man known for two weeks, that one sleeps with and becomes impregnated by is going to stick around to raise a child? And what about a woman with three children, with three different last names on - all on welfare?

For anyone who wants to be a "Single Mom" if things don't work out after being in a committed relationship, you deserve all the help our welfare system can give. But for those who want to start out being a "'Welfare Moms," don't call yourself a "Single Mom" - that has the connotation of trying to do the right thing in having children. "Welfare Moms" should be ashamed of themselves, acting in an irresponsible way and then feeding of the government - i.e., the taxpayers.www.elegantimpress.com

Saturday, May 12, 2012


Roberta M. Helming - Mitt Romney's Prep School Actions: More Than Pranks

In recent days, Mitt Romney has apologized for incidents described in a Washington Post story about his prep school years in Michigan. In addition, he made some insensitive comments about his mistreatment of fellow students while in prep school.

It must be nice to classify doing life-long emotionally damaging things to other human beings as "pranks and dumb things." We who were picked on in school have lived with it every day of our lives, to the present moment. It changes who we are. It leads to no self-esteem and can cause depression and the realization of dreams and goals. As recently as earlier this month the death of a 13-year-old from Minnesota girl, who couldn't stand the "pranks and dumb things" being done to her, killed herself. Last year "pranks and dumb things" as Romney would call it, caused a precious boy from Upstate New York to kill himself. His main issue - he was homosexual.

And whether now, the 1960s or whenever the “pranks and dumb things” occured or occurs, individuals who are victims of bullying are human beings with feelings who will fight the resultant demons the rest of their life.

With all due respect Mr. Romney, what you did was not "pranks and dumb things." Placing a fart cushion in someone's chair is a prank. You were participating in bullying. And bullying is not something to "write off" as something that happened in the 1960s - as if people weren't people in the 1960s.

And according to the Washington Post, Romney participated (with other classmates) in holding down a fellow student and cutting his hair off – all while this victim was screaming for help. This was an assault and certainly far from a “prank or dumb thing.”

I write this as a victim and sufferer every day from bullying that occurred in the sixties and seventies. Any act you did, such as cutting someone's hair - anything that would have been hurtful to you or offensive, in words or actions, was bullying Mr. Romney. How would you have liked to been held down and have your hair cut off?

From my own first person perspective, my “bullied” years have resulted in daily torment and regular nightmares that never end. Bullying and assault-based behavior has to stop now. When children are teased and abused by fellow students so badly that they kill themselves, it means we as a country or even world are not doing enough to stop bullying. This may be a cause to consider undertaking if you are elected president.

Often when people bully others, there is something broken inside of them. Is there something broken inside of you Mr. Romney?

Roberta M. Helming - Mitt Romney's Prep School Actions: More Than Pranks
In recent days, Mitt Romney has apologized for incidents described in a Washington Post story about his prep school years in Michigan. In addition, he made some insensitive comments about his mistreatment of fellow students while in prep school.

It must be nice to classify doing life-long emotionally damaging things to other human beings as "pranks and dumb things." We who were picked on in school have lived with it every day of our lives, to the present moment. It changes who we are. It leads to no self-esteem and can cause depression and the realization of dreams and goals. As recently as earlier this month the death of a 13-year-old from Minnesota girl, who couldn't stand the "pranks and dumb things" being done to her, killed herself. Last year "pranks and dumb things" as Romney would call it, caused a precious boy from Upstate New York to kill himself. His main issue - he was homosexual.

And whether now, the 1960s or whenever the “pranks and dumb things” occured or occurs, individuals who are victims of bullying are human beings with feelings who will fight the resultant demons the rest of their life.

With all due respect Mr. Romney, what you did was not "pranks and dumb things." Placing a fart cushion in someone's chair is a prank. You were participating in bullying. And bullying is not something to "write off" as something that happened in the 1960s - as if people weren't people in the 1960s.

And according to the Washington Post, Romney participated (with other classmates) in holding down a fellow student and cutting his hair off – all while this victim was screaming for help. This was an assault and certainly far from a “prank or dumb thing.”

I write this as a victim and sufferer every day from bullying that occurred in the sixties and seventies. Any act you did, such as cutting someone's hair - anything that would have been hurtful to you or offensive, in words or actions, was bullying Mr. Romney. How would you have liked to been held down and have your hair cut off?

From my own first person perspective, my “bullied” years have resulted in daily torment and regular nightmares that never end. Bullying and assault-based behavior has to stop now. When children are teased and abused by fellow students so badly that they kill themselves, it means we as a country or even world are not doing enough to stop bullying. This may be a cause to consider undertaking if you are elected president.

Often when people bully others, there is something broken inside of them. Is there something broken inside of you Mr. Romney?

Roberta M. Helming - Mitt Romney's Prep School Actions: More Than Pranks
In recent days, Mitt Romney has apologized for incidents described in a Washington Post story about his prep school years in Michigan. In addition, he made some insensitive comments about his mistreatment of fellow students while in prep school.

It must be nice to classify doing life-long emotionally damaging things to other human beings as "pranks and dumb things." We who were picked on in school have lived with it every day of our lives, to the present moment. It changes who we are. It leads to no self-esteem and can cause depression and the realization of dreams and goals. As recently as earlier this month the death of a 13-year-old from Minnesota girl, who couldn't stand the "pranks and dumb things" being done to her, killed herself. Last year "pranks and dumb things" as Romney would call it, caused a precious boy from Upstate New York to kill himself. His main issue - he was homosexual.

And whether now, the 1960s or whenever the “pranks and dumb things” occured or occurs, individuals who are victims of bullying are human beings with feelings who will fight the resultant demons the rest of their life.

With all due respect Mr. Romney, what you did was not "pranks and dumb things." Placing a fart cushion in someone's chair is a prank. You were participating in bullying. And bullying is not something to "write off" as something that happened in the 1960s - as if people weren't people in the 1960s.

And according to the Washington Post, Romney participated (with other classmates) in holding down a fellow student and cutting his hair off – all while this victim was screaming for help. This was an assault and certainly far from a “prank or dumb thing.”

I write this as a victim and sufferer every day from bullying that occurred in the sixties and seventies. Any act you did, such as cutting someone's hair - anything that would have been hurtful to you or offensive, in words or actions, was bullying Mr. Romney. How would you have liked to been held down and have your hair cut off?

From my own first person perspective, my “bullied” years have resulted in daily torment and regular nightmares that never end. Bullying and assault-based behavior has to stop now. When children are teased and abused by fellow students so badly that they kill themselves, it means we as a country or even world are not doing enough to stop bullying. This may be a cause to consider undertaking if you are elected president.

Often when people bully others, there is something broken inside of them. Is there something broken inside of you Mr. Romney?

Roberta M. Helming