Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Roberta M. Helming: Racist rant is pointless expression of ignorance

Roberta M. Helming: Racist rant is pointless expression of ignorance

For the Norwich Bulletin
Posted Nov 25, 2010 @ 11:00 PM

I’m bothered by an online story and video of a woman in Hingham, Mass., who went into a tirade, hurling racial epithets at, and committing an assault on, a black postman.

One word in particular she used was disturbing, and her degrading remarks concerning his character were based not solely on him, but an entire race. It was hurtful.

Equally frustrating is this woman’s only possible crime is the minor physical assault. By itself, the verbal racial abuse against this man — and blacks in general — unfortunately is not a crime.

It makes you wonder why there is this kind of hate based solely on race. Regardless of race, we are still humans. We love our children and mourn the loss of loved ones. We laugh, cry, hurt, etc. Where is the difference?

Hatred of races is sadly present in all walks of life. Anyone is capable of racist behavior. It knows no socioeconomic boundaries and excludes no race.

Racist remarks may stem from hatred, hurt, low self-esteem, undereducation or overeducation. All kinds of minds that are somehow broken, thoughtless.

Everyone occasionally becomes annoyed at other people, leading to name-calling, but it doesn’t have to be that way. As a society, we need to learn how to speak to one another without focusing on someone’s race, personality traits or physical features. We all have different personalities, likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. It’s our upbringing that shapes us into who we become.

People from any socioeconomic class may or may not have a kind heart. They may or may not engage in destructive behavior. The one thing about all of us is that it’s not the race that makes the person; it’s the person who makes the race, including embracing their culture and enhancing it.

Too many people know little about their own culture. So how is it then possible to know that one’s culture is superior to that of another?

It’s easy to see people making uninformed decisions, leading to prejudicial remarks and behavior. A lack of knowledge breeds hate and discrimination.

We need each other, and we have proven time and time again that we are willing to help each other. The Sept. 11 attacks proved that race didn’t matter when it came time to help each other. Why is it that we need such disasters to confirm what we already know?

What is solved by an enraged woman using racial slurs against a postman and his race in general? Nothing. The video taken from the postman’s cell phone shows he was guilty of nothing except attempting to politely do his job.

Roberta M. Helming is a freelance writer from Ledyard and regular contributor to the Norwich Bulletin. She can be reached at

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